Is It Tomorrow Yet: Paradoxes of the Pandemic

Ivan Krastev
Call no.: 616.2414 KRA-[HEA]
All rights reserved. London: Allen Lane, 2020
In this very readable book, Ivan Krastev presents his personal perspective on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Europe and the world in general. The pandemic is the paradox of the century – Ending globalisation as we know it and yet, globalising international efforts in the fight against mankind’s common enemy. It took a virus to turn the world on its head. Compared to the devastating social and economic impacts of the Spanish Flu, the pandemic has not reached its global peak. Thus, the agonising title, Is It Tomorrow Yet?, echoes the question on our minds of the full impact and consequences that the current pandemic will have on our society.
Text: Silas (National Library Board’s Friend of the Library)
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