Interim Disability Assistance Programme For The Elderly (IDAPE)

IDAPE helps needy and disabled elderly Singaporeans who were not eligible to join ElderShield
The Interim Disability Assistance Programme For the Elderly (IDAPE) is an assistance scheme that was set up in 2002 for a small group of seniors who were not eligible for ElderShield at the time because they were too old or had pre-existing disabilities.
If these seniors develop severe disability, they can receive $150 or $250 monthly cash payout (depending on their financial circumstances) for up to 72 months.
There is no restriction on how the payments should be used, as long as they are used for the care of the disabled IDAPE claimant. For example, you can use the payment for the following:
- Medical bills
- Nursing costs
- Hiring a foreign domestic worker (FDW) as a helper to care for the disabled IDAPE claimant
You may nominate yourself, a caregiver who is 18 years old and above, or a nursing home that you are residing in to receive your IDAPE payment.