Hotline: 6478 5029

Administered by C3A
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Legal Matters for Seniors (Conducted Online)

Participants will learn essential legal requirements, problems/difficulties faced and the actions that they could take in the following areas: 1. Healthcare, 2. Financial, 3. Housing, 4. Family, 5. Work and 6. Passing-on Matters. The focus will be on legal matters of concern to seniors and coverage will range from social system entitlements and advanced medical directives to caregiver agreements and wills/trusts/inheritance issues. 

Course Details

Nett Fee after Government subsidy S$64.80

SkillsFuture Credit Eligible


Singapore Association for Continuing Education (SACE)



18 hours over 6 sessions


6266 0648


Trainer's profile is currently not available.

Kindly head over to course site for exact details
Click Here to Course Provider's Website

Course information is accurate as provided by course provider on 12 September 2022. For more information, please contact the course provider.

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